Heya babes!
Afew days ago, after my shoot.
I went to open the mailbox...
Guess what i saw in my mail?

One of the readers has asked me before,
"have i gotten any cheque from nuffnang before?"
And now i can answer proudly,
Yes, I've received my 1st cashout!
My 2nd cashout will be 170SGD
including the nokia nightlife ad!
This is so cooool!
I think all of you should join nuffnang,
I mean, you earn cold, hard cash just by
having an ad on the side of your blog,
having at least 20 clicks on your blog per day.
I get like, 500-600 views on my blog per day,
So..what's so difficult to that!?
Click here to join! :D

I was suppose to have a shoot at 3pm today,
And the photographer called me at 11am and asked me
if i could make it earlier.
Gosh, i was still sleepy and super blur.
And i was still in dreamland,
dreaming of dunno what-so-ever.
So when my cellphone ring i was like *shooooock!*
ZzzzZzz, TMD, ring ring ring.

After the shoot, went to town & shopped alone
with my pocket full of $$$!
Bought 2 Mac eyeshadows, Shade Bitter and Femme Noir.
And Mac Eye Khol in Minted.
The mua/sa was really friendly!
Most of the time the mua/sa from Mac are pretty stuck up,
i have no idea why!
She worked her brushes and eyeshadows like magic!
I told her i wanted a "darker look"
And she gave me two looks,
I had a reaaaally hard time deciding which colours to buy!
Shall go back another day to get the other colours i want! :D
I need some liquid eyeliner too,
I don't like my shiseido eyeliner! *pouts*
Bought two pairs of heels, and a top.

Look at my heeeeeels,
And this is after i threw away like 5 pairs of heels.
My mum is going nuts at the number of my heels
that's constantly increasing.
Heels are 私の愛!
Boyf asked me to wait for him in town and
he'll come and have dinner with me at carl's jr,
then send me home.
Sat at coffee bean for like 1 hour reading
and drinking while waiting for him.
Thank god i had a book in my bag!
Or else i will get bored to deeeeeath.
Look at this smelly piggie!

He ate one and a half Carl's Jr burger!
He's and half of mine!
HAHAHASH! I'm sure you guys know
how big a Carl's Jr burger is right?
Omg, Lol, his face is like totally stuffed with burger. :x
I'm off to watch America's next top model again!
Have a bikini shoot at sentosa tomorrow.
Sigh, gonna get tanned again. Damn it. ):
Anyway, i think i'm blogging to waaaaalls,
hardly anybody even tags on my blog
even when there's so much views. -.-
Show some looooove man.
Forever 21 spree still open for orders!
20USD more to closing! (:
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves!
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